Trying to figure out pricing in today’s market? When calculating what you can afford in a house, don’t just look at the list price. The amount you pay for a house is important when you consider your ability to re-sell the house. Today’s mortgage options are increasing the possibilities for home buyers, so you should also take a close look at what it will cost you to live in the house.
Your monthly housing cost is the second figure to consider, and that cost is largely determined by current interest rates. Today’s real estate market is very price-driven. Homes which are in the best condition and have the most attractive price tags are the ones that sell.
Diverse financing options and competition among lenders are giving many buyers the opportunity to buy a more expensive house or condo than they thought they could afford–and sooner. There are many creative ways to get into a home with a relatively small amount of money. Ask me to help you look at today’s numbers or refer you to our trusted lenders…. You may be pleasantly surprised!